Like most breaking news, I initially found out on Twitter that New York would possibly legalize same-sex marriage on Friday night. On the weekend of Gray Pride celebration here in NYC, the bill was approved in a 33-29 vote. Thank you New York, for doing the right thing.

I was beyond ecstatic! I teased my significant other, a born and raised New Yorker, that as progressive as NY is, Massachusetts and Iowa did it first. He hates when I make snide remarks about his beloved birthplace. But it was true. I’m incredibly thrilled that my friends, acquaintances, former co-workers and even family members (although I don’t know of any openly gay relatives in my family), now have the option to marry.

I am very very vocal about by stance on being pro-civil rights for the LGBTQ community. Although I am not apart of their community, I rejoiced as if I were. I texted my gay and lesbian friends congratulations. I teared up reading their joy through quick FB statuses, and 140 characters on Twitter. It was such a glorious, historical and victorious night. Cheers!

And could the rainbow Empire State Building be any more magnificent?!

Read here for a more in depth reading on same-sex marriage in NY.